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In port with Virginio, a man of another era!

In port with Virginio, a man of another era!


Telling port life is a bit like going on a journey through time, through the evolutions and developments that shaped the port infrastructure, within which stories of men and women, businesses, projects and visions of the future intertwine.

Today we tell you the story of Virginio Caregnato, born in 1927, and his secret wish. He is a man of another era whose Venetian roots blend with the typical temperament of men from the welcoming and fertile land of Southern Italy. And Virginio decided to leave his heart here and wished to be able to see once more the Port he had built.


Virginio came to the Port of Taranto for the first time in the early 1970s, when the port was beginning to grow abundantly by developing that imposing and widespread infrastructure that over the years would become the intermodal and logistics hub of the Mediterranean we know today.

It was precisely in those years that Virginio first came to Taranto, the city where he would remain for over fifteen years and to which he would dedicate part of his professional and personal life. Virginio remembers, in particular and with incredible and impressive clarity, the years when he worked in the port for the construction of Pier 5. In those years he developed a deep love for the sea, on which, he says, he feels safe, because he knows what is there under his feet.

Over the years, Virginio would travel further, reaching as far as Ecuador, appreciating the charms of the world and maintaining a strong and sincere bond with the city of Taranto, whose welcoming spirit and beauty he still firmly praises.

His account is full of memories full of contagious emotion that Virginio cherishes and reveals as a candid testimony of that which was an important period in his life.

With Open Port we like to travel back in time to reconstruct the past history of the port of Taranto through the voices of the many men who have made history here, in the port of Taranto, sometimes behind the scenes, by developing projects, building piers, developing systems and devices.

Thank you, Virginio!





Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
Children & Students free

673 12 Constitution Lane Massillon
781-562-9355, 781-727-6090

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